Our Go-To's for REAL Reviews
One request we get often from potential travellers is what review websites they can turn to for feedback about The Global Work & Travel Co.? Well, bear with me here because I'm about to break it down for you and make it super easy to search up as many genuine online reviews as you please! (Over 10,000 of them, actually!)
Are online review sites really that important though? The answer to that question is that they're so RIDICULOUSLY important! In this day and age, virtually all of our potential customers hit the web in search of positive reviews to get the inside scoop before they get going with The Global Work & Travel Co.
It's crazy to think that most people would trust an online customer review from a cyber stranger, just as much as they’d trust the recommendations from their own family and friends! But it's true and it's also becoming super common, which is why in the last 12 months we've encouraged every one of our customers to leave a review, good or bad, to let others and us know how we hold up. And now there are over 10,000 reviews online!
Over the past 8 years we’ve booked over 50,000 travellers to visit every corner of the earth, so you can pretty much find reviews floating around everywhere. But when looking for reviews, the internet isn’t always as genuine as it appears. Many sites have communities where people can earn points for commenting on another post or question. And this type of incentivised posting encourages people to jump on the bandwagon and talk about something they haven't done or even tried, and normally it can’t be verified if it’s true - especially when done anonymously.
We don’t believe in incentivised or anonymous reviews. We just want unbiased feedback from customers, which is why we decided to write up this handy blog to show where you can find real feedback, from real people, who are real verified customers.

1. YouTube
Did you know that almost all of the footage posted on our YouTube channel is sent in by our Global Travellers livin’ out their travel dreams?! We have heaps of video journals from past and present loaded up on there so you can see each and every kind of trip we offer from a different point of view.
We call it Global TV and we’ve gained a whopping 700,000 views and counting thanks to you guys who keep tuning in. Wander on over and have a gander for yourself at all the epic adventures that have been lived out thanks to The Global Work & Travel Co.
2. Reviews.io
If you haven't heard of Reviews.io, well, I'm sorry to say but you’ve been living under a rock because it’s one of the most trusted review sites on the planet. We have over 5,500 reviews covering every aspect of our trips. It's all up there for you to browse!
You could honestly flick through this page for hours on end and know that you're getting a massive range of genuine feedback from all over, a lot from people who have completed the additional verification steps too. Don’t just take our word for it, go have a click around for yourself.
3. Consumer Affairs
Not to keep tooting our own horn or anything but The Global Work & Travel Co. has been listed amongst the Top 10 Best Rated Travel Agencies on Consumer Affairs worldwide. With over 1 million reviews and 10,000 brands on this platform, this site holds some serious authority.
Of course, we didn’t do all the hard work ourselves, with 1,500+ reviews of our trips and services we wouldn't be ranked up there without our real past travellers giving us substantial feedback.

4. Trustpilot
These days Trustpilot is one of the world's largest and fastest growing online review communities - with 20,000 new reviews each day. They're growing so quick, that we've recently integrated their review platform directly into our website so our customers can leave us their opinions easier than ever before.
5. Instagram
There's nothing more real and authentic than the 22,000+ tags of photographs submitted to Instagram by Global Travellers having the absolute time of their lives around the globe! Dozens of pics sporting #globalworkandtravel are dropped daily and we love being able to see what our travellers get up to living out their travel dreams, live in location, which we're sure you'll want to check out too!